Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My dear Lysander in love with Helena!?

Now, right before my eyes, i witness Lysander. He is speaking to Helena about his new love for her. Is this a joke? What would even make my beloved Lysander say such things! At the moment I am even more confused then I was several hours ago! Helena seems quite confused as well, and as I speak Demetrius confesses his love for her too! Maybe it is a joke and they are just poking fun of her? How dare they! She does not deserve to be treating in such a manner! The two of them are continuously arguing over who will get her, and must I say the seem to be doing a pretty good job. I can see the pure pain she is in right now, but as i try to comfort her and ask questions, she only gets angrier and thinks this evil idea was mine! Do they not realise what PAIN I'm in at the moment!? If Lysander was playing a joke on her, then why would he not tell me so? The fact that he won't even explain such things to me slowly tears my heart apart! What if the things he's saying happen to be true! How could he possibly not love me the day after we decide to marry! If so, dare he leave me for Helena! What if she's in this scheme and is trying to get at me for making it seem as if i stole Demetrius from her! Why can't things go back to the way they used to be?

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